Vol 11, 2008, 1 No
Philosophical Sciences
Grebeshev I.V.
On the problem of personality in the philosophy of G. Fedotov
Puminova N.V.
Denys the Areopagite and the canon of icons in Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries
Globa T.A.
Social, political and philosophical sources of formation of a Ukraine philosopher G.S. Skovoroda
Klindukh E.A.
Philosophical and social conditions of origin and development of liberalism in Russia
Machkarina O.D.
On the problem of national and universal in the works of V.S. Solov'yov and N.A. Berdyaev
Gruzdeva O.V.
The idea of "people's monarchy" in the works of Yu.F. Samarin
Zhigunova G.V.
On religious ideals of Russia in the philosophy of Slavophilism
Surovtsev S.S.
On development and formation of philosophical views of F.M. Dostoevsky
Gunashvili E.M.
Nationality categories in the concept of pochvennichestvo
Kassirov A.G.
P.A. Kropotkin – a scientist and philosopher
Mishinyova A.K.
The "theory of progress" of P.L. Lavrov and the "formula of progress" of N.K. Mikhailovskii
Ketskalo N.M.
Thinkers of the "silver century" about the problem of personality's role in history
Matrosova E.Yu.
Morals as an ideological basis of P.I. Novgorodtsev law philosophy
Volkova T.P.
The philosophical concept of the Other in the context of multicultural society formation
Pashchenko L.V.
On interpretation of totalitarianism by thinkers of the Russian emigres
Yaroshinsky V.V.
On prerequisites of irrationalistic interpretations of man in the Western philosophy: from Kant to Kierkegaard
Popova O.V.
On criteria of determination of philosophical poetry
Ivanov G.A.
"Capable" subject and stateness in Ricoeur's philosophical concept
Malyshko A.A.
"Spirit", "soul" and "virtual reality"
Shingarov G.Kh.
Time and objective reality in the African mythology
Simonishvili E.N.
On the phenomenon of spirituality in the Russian philosophy
Koreneva A.V.
Professionally oriented teaching to speech genres of non-philological students
Savateev D.A.
Computer models in teaching electrotechnical subjects in higher technical schools
Verkhovtsev A.Yu.
Social and psychological problems of first-year students with disabilities
Volkov T.P.
On privatization and social stratification of the Russian society
Rogovaya A.V.
On the institutionalization of regional conflictology as a branch of knowledge
Brik L.V.
Mass media influence on formation of public consciousness
Bachin I.M.
The role of a senior citizen in demographic processes
Morozova N.A.
On tolerant and intolerant aims of Russians in the modern society
Maiorova N.V.
Innovative forms of higher education in modern China