Vol 13, 2010, 1 No
Social and Economic Sciences
Ivanov V.V.
Typology of inter-budget relations and models of budget federalism
Kapustina N.V., Kuznetsov Yu.V.
Principles of researching the system of risks' management
Kibitkin A.I., Skotarenko O.V.
Econometric methods of economic system sensitivity estimation
Marchenko I.S.
System approach to the management of commercial activity of enterprises
Reus N.I.
World experience of state management of structural transformations
Rybakov F.F.
Economy of scientific and technological progress: Retrospective analysis
Chechurina M.N.
Increase of enterprises' competitive capability on the basis of management innovations
Baeva L.S., Pasheeva T.Yu.
Manufacture modernization as a key factor of production competitiveness increase
Drozhdinina A.I.
Estimation of present-day labour market
Drozhdinina A.I., Zharkov I.E.
Prospects of energy-saving technology application in Russia
Konakova L.V.
Analysis and calculation of bank's own capital immobilization
Kuznetsova E.S.
Management of operation risks using process-oriented approach
Rapnitskaya N.M.
Factors of financial stability of insurance companies in modern conditions
Savel'eva S.B., Savel'ev A.N.
Spatial reorientation of national interests of Russia
Butusova E.A., Prygunov A.I.
Comparative analysis of dynamics of economic processes on regional and interregional scales
Selin V.S., Koz'menko S.Yu., Medvedev N.A.
Co-ordination of economic and defense activity in the Arctic region from the viewpoint of regional presence
Voitolovsky G.K.
Unsettled problems of the Arctic developing
Koz'menko S.Yu., Savel'ev A.N.
Strategic perspectives of development of marine activity in Arctic
Nikolaeva A.B., Leus S.M.
Perspectives of development of port special economic zones
Savel'eva S.B., Shiyan G.N.
Arctic: Strengthening of geopolitical positions and economic development
Khrapov V.E., Turchaninova T.V.
Innovative transformations of ship-repair enterprises as requirement of stable development of marine activity
Gaponenkova N.B.
Transaction costs of fishing industry enterprises
Kibitkin A.I., Senetskaya L.B.
Overcoming of fishery enterprises crisis basing mechanisms
Kovalchuk V.V., Senetskaya L.B.
Using of information technology means for valuation of economic state of commercial fishery enterprises
Mukhomedzyanova E.V.
Informational supply of managerial processes in fishery organisations
Tsaryova S.V.
On role of the state in increasing investment attraction of Russian commercial fishery
Khrapov V.E.
Fishery fleet of Russia: Problems and perspectives
Simachyova L.N.
Risks of the enterprise in the sphere of industrial fishery and enhancement of their insurance defense
Boroukhin D.S.
Problems of stable development of power industry enterprises in the Murmansk region during the world financial crisis
Breslavets I.N.
Genesis of fishery organization forms
Gafurov A.R.
The category "energy safety" and its role in safety structure
Kovalyova I.A.
Basic problems of strategic analysis of regional economy
Vechirko A.A.
Consequences of removing the Murmansk region from the single price area of wholesale market for power industry
Dobryakov I.S.
Basic conceptions and methods of organizational and economic modifications in oil and gas industry
Tripolskiy E.N.
Evaluation of specific values of economic indicators for companies of commercial fishery
Tepman F.A.
System approach in management of regional sales promotion infrastructure
Kreydich T.V.
Current trends of transnationalization in the world economy
Titov P.A.
Influence of physical training and sports on social and economic development
Tulyakov L.V.
Ways of decreasing of economic risks in electric power industry
Nedel'ko N.S.
Catastrophe theory and analysis of economic systems' behaviour
Andreev V.V.
Main tendencies of investment projects and peculiarities of their realisation
Semyonova S.A.
Necessity of state regulation of enterprises' restructuring processes