Vol 17, 2014, 1 No
Natural and Engineering Sciences
L.S. Baeva, A.A. Marinin
Modern technologies of additive manufacturing of objects
A.A. Bednarchik, V.S. Spitsyn, V.I. Men'shikov
The mathematical model of stimulating motivation of labour on fishing vessels
L.F. Borisova, N.N. Morozov, A.L. Starichenkov
Architecture of wireless access system for traffic control of small-size swimming facilities in the seaport area
L.F. Borisova, N.N. Morozov, A.L. Starichenkov
Monitoring and traffic management of small-size swimming facilities in the seaport area
V.V. Bystrov, A.V. Masloboev, S.N. Malygina, D.N. Khaliullina
Development of manpower needs simulation models for regional economics basic trades (by the example of the Murmansk region)
O.V. Zalesova
Research of inducted voltage on disconnected transmission
line in the interference zone of AC railway
A.V. Kaychenov, A.V. Vlasov, A.A. Maslov, I.Yu. Selyakov, A.R. Vlasova
Development of sterilization regimes of canned hydrobionts using computer
A.A. Maklakova, N.G. Voron'ko, S.R. Derkach, G.I. Kadyrova, K.V. Zotova
Interaction of gelatin with ?-carrageenan according to IR spectroscopy
M.V. Maslova, L.G. Gerasimova, E.S. Shchukina, A.I. Knyazeva
On producing sorbent on the basis of hydrated hydroxyoxytitanium
Yu.M. Nevretdinov, G.P. Fastiy, V.V. Yaroshevich, A.S. Karpov
Analysis of monitoring registration of electric power quality indices
E.P. Nechaev
Influence of running-in of ship diesel on the state of components of the cylinder-piston group
V.A. Podobed, R.V. Podobed, A.N. Papusha, B.A. Vul'fovich
Overloading of bulky especially heavy goods in ports
V.A. Podobed, R.V. Podobed, A.N. Papusha, B.A. Vul'fovich
Transportation of bulky especially heavy goods by sea
A. M. Prokhorenkov,
Modeling of heat exchange processes in lamellar heat exchange devices
E.V. Shekhovtseva
The assembly technology of improved device
used for axial fixing of a shaft in a hard-to-reach place
N.Yu. Yanicheva, G.O. Kalashnikova
Synthetic ivanyukite – perspective ion-exchange material
V.G. Dvoretsky, A.G. Dvoretsky
Egg production rates of the common planktonic copepod Calanus finmarchicus in the coastal Barents Sea
D.R. Dikaeva, E.A. Frolova
Modern distribution of Polychaeta communities in fjords of West Spitsbergen
T.P. Drugova
Mosses of town of Polyarnye Zori (the Murmansk region)
E.M. Zubova, N.A. Kashulin
Scale morphology and growth of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (Coregonidae) of the Yokostrovskaya Imandra
N.I. Meshcheryakov
Some questions of forming outwash plain in the upper Gren-fjord (West Spitsbergen)
T.A. Mikhailova, S.S. Malavenda, V.V. Khalaman
Species composition of macroalgae in mussel culture farms in the White Sea
A.V. Muraveiko
Analysis of motor activity and thermal tolerance
of the Barents Sea sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius (L.)
A.V. Stes'ko
Results of investigation of Barents Sea's linear growth rate of common dab (Limanda limanda L., 1758)
E.V. Shoshina, V.I. Kapkov
Ecological features of harvesting fucoid algae of the Murman coast of the Barents Sea
A.A. Yashkina, E.A. Plotnikova, E.V. Shoshina
The influence of hydrodynamic factor on parameters of macrophytes as an object of phytofouling on bio-positive constructions
M.A. Volkov
The calculation of the electromagnetic energy flow over the auroral arc
O.M. Lebed, M.V. Kuznetsova, Yu.V. Fedorenko, A.V. Larchenko
Variations of propagation velocity of the ELF electromagnetic pulses
along the Lovozero – Barentsburg path