Vol 15, 2012, 3 No
Natural and Engineering, Philosophical Sciences
Berezina I.A.
Feeding peculiarities of the Phocidae kept in captivity
Dolgov A.V., Benzik A.N.
Feeding rations and food consumption of Greenland halibut in the Barents Sea
Kalinina N.R.
High-quality setting material as a basis of biosafety of salmon commercial farms
Kravets I.P.
Settlements of Mytilus edulis L. on the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea
Litvinova M.Yu., Ilyinsky V.V., Semenenko M.N., Peretrukhina I.V.
Distribution and potential activity of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria in the water of the middle and northern tribes of the Kola Bay
Ovchinnikova S.I., Shashkova E.V.
Peculiarities of photosynthesizing activity of Pinus sylvestris L. tree needles in coniferous forests of the Kola Peninsula
Ovchinnikova S.I., Shirokaya T.A., Pashkina O.I.
Basic tendencies of changing hydrochemical parameters of the Kola Bay aquatic ecosystem in 2000-2011
Salmova N.A., Zhuravlyova N.G.
The morphological structure of the liver and pancreas of Atlantic cod juvenile (Gadus morthua L.) in artificial culture
Brazhny A.I., Men'shikov V.I., Dedkov N.P., Papusha A.N., Kovalchuk V.V.
Probabilistic assessment of the structural stability of the organizational and technical safety management systems of vessels by the averaging method
Vasekha M.V.
Spectrophotometric research of acidic sulphite solutions
Grinyak V.M., Devyatisilny A.S.
Algorithm of multi-model tracking the trajectory of vessel traffic with a fuzzy criterion of maneuvering detection
Dedkov N.P., Morozov N.N., Putintsev N.M., Podobed V.A.
Innovative technologies for elimination of emergency oil spillage at transportation by vessels
Dushin V.L., Men'shikov V.I., Dedkov N.P., Papusha A.N.
Minimisation of the information distortions in the vessel safety management systems
Zolotov O.V., Namgaladze A.A., Prokhorov B.E.
Total electron content disturbances prior to Great Tohoku March 11, 2011 and October 23, 2011 Turkey Van earthquakes and their physical interpretation
Karpov M.I., Namgaladze A.A., Zolotov O.V.
Three-dimensional structure of the seismo-electromagnetic ionospheric electron density disturbances
Knyazeva M.A., Romanovskaya Yu.V., Namgaladze A.A.
Numerical modeling of the electron density enhancements in the night-time ionospheric F2-layer
Sirotyuk A.A., Men'shikov V.I., Morozov N.N., Putintsev N.M.
Reliability of resolution of problem situations in the management of the vessel safety
Solov'yov A.A., Shugai S.N.
Dynamics of vessel at aim purse seining
Solov'yov A.A., Shugai S.N.
Dynamics of vessel at aim trawling fishing
Syurin S.A., Burakova O.A.
Respiratory pathology pattern of aluminium industry workers in Russian Arctic
Syurin S.A., Rocheva I.I.
On gender-specific features of bronchopulmonary diseases in copper-nickel industry workers
Borzova E.P., Machkarina O.D., Dudnik S.I., Polataiko S.V.
Person and society: Interaction in the philosophical heritage of Slavophiles (A.S. Khomyakov, Yu.F. Samarin, K.S. Aksakov, and I.V. Kireevsky)
Dudnik S.I., Borzova E.P., Malyshko A.A., Machkarina O.D.
Cognition as person being in the works of P.A. Florensky and A.F. Losev
Dudnik S.I., Osipov I.D.
Lossky: Ethics of responsibility
Malyshko A.A., Borzova E.P., Machkarina O.D., Kravtsov V.A.
Problem of rational in the heritage of P.A. Florensky
Machkarina O.D., Kravtsov V.A., Malyshko A.A., Vasil'eva V.N.
Personalism of F.M. Dostoevsky and the idea of person in Russian philosophy
Polataiko S.V., Kuznetsov Yu.V., Malyshko A.A., Kibitkin A.I.
Historical materialism of Karl Marx and his modern assessment
Kruglov A.N.
Sidonsky and Kant