Vol 17, 2014, 3 No
Social and Economic Sciences
S.A. Agarkov, E.V. Nikora
Development of strategic vision of Arctic region industry for long-term outlook
V.F. Bogachev, N.P. Veretennikov, L.E. Evgrafova
Social and economic aspects of sustainable development of commercial fishery in Arctic
V.I. Bogoyavlensky, I.V. Bogoyavlensky
Strategy, technologies and technical means of searching, exploration and development of sea fields in Arctic
A.M. Vasil'ev, L.E. Evgrafova
Comparative efficiency level of catches of cod in the Murmansk region and Norway
N.P. Veretennikov, V.F. Bogachev, A.N. Savel'ev
Geoeconomic substantiation of developing energetic and biological resources in Arctic
A.P. Zhichkin
Spatial and temporal variability of commercial significance of different fishery areas in the Barents Sea
S.Yu. Koz'menko, A.A. Shchegol'kova
Arctic: Modernization of regional gas-transport system in Euro-Russian geoeconomic and political cross-roads
N.N. Kudinov
Threats to national interests and the border guard security system of the Russian Arctic zone
L.G. Kul'pin
The Murmansk gas field (the Barents Sea) as an object for development by underwater technologies
Yu.F. Lukin
Situation in Arctic against the background of return to Cold War instruments
G.G. Matishov, S.L. Dzhenyuk
Problems of nature use management and ecological protection in Russian Arctic
P.A. Minakir, S.N. Leonov
Methodological problems of development of the Russian Far East Arctic zone
T.V. Podsvetova
Transport constituent of Arctic economy
I.P. Rusanov
On complex development of transport and logistics systems in the Russian regions adjacent to Arctic
V.S. Selin, S.Yu. Koz'menko
Trends of organizational structure modernization of fishing industry in the Northern basin
A.I. Tatarkin, V.V. Litovsky
Russia in Arctic: Strategic priorities of integrated development and infrastructure policy
S.L. Tashlykov
Hydrographic service of the Russian Imperial Navy and exploration of Arctic
S.V. Fedoseev, A.E. Cherepovitsin
Evaluation of overall strategic potential
of the Russian Arctic zone basic industries
A.A. Khramchikhin
Military and political situation in the Arctic: Prospects of its development
V.E. Khrapov, T.V. Turchaninova, A.I. Kibitkin
Estimation and development of ship-repair enterprises for repairing fishing fleet of the Northern basin