Vol 14, 2011, 1 No
Social and Economic Sciences
Drozhdinina A.I.
Genesis of theoretical foundations of labour market formation
Chechurina M.N.
Theoretical approaches to investigation of management of complex economic systems innovation development
Ershov A.M., Glazunov Yu.T., Kibitkin A.I.
On one example of international cooperation
Marchenko I.S.
Categorical management in commerce: Instrument of management of goods assortment in retail trade
Skotarenko O.V.
Problem of sustainable development in Russia and abroad
Tatarnikova I.V.
On budget efficiency in the housing-and-municipal sphere
Gnatyuk A.V.
Innovation development of economy of the Murmansk region according to the model of regional industrial clusters
Luneva E.A.
Cluster approach to regional management of the Murmansk region
Kuznetsova E.S., Gafurov A.R.
Wholesale market of electric power of the region: Problems, risks, and development
Konakova L.V.
Alternate ways of state financial support of small enterprises (by the example of the Murmansk region)
Kuranov Yu.F.
Regional peculiarities of development of coastal fish processing in the North basin
Selin V.S.
Modern economic tendencies of Russian Northern and Arctic regions
Chernov A.S.
Optimization of transport routes of Northern regions of Russia
Rybakov F.F., Agarkov S.A., Breslavets I.N.
Regional peculiarities of economic development of fishery in the Northern basin
Novoseltseva V.D., Naumova M.V.
Cost management as a tool of management of mining enterprises with complex multi-component processing of raw materials
Masloboev A.V., Datyev I.O.
Regional socio-economic environment structural transformations impact simulation on technical and economic characteristics of information and communication systems
Stolbov A.G.
Rational use of marine natural resources
Bogachev V.F., Zharov V.S., Breslavets I.N.
The development of economic integration in the sphere of fishery
Dyachkova M.A.
Competitiveness of fishing complex: ways of increasing
Semyonova S.A.
Fishery complex of modern Russia: Problems and perspectives of development
Turchaninova T.V.
Maintenance and repair of ships using methods of network planning and management
Khrapov V.E., Turchaninova T.V.
Changes of the system of salary in ship repairing enterprises
Glazunov Yu.T.
Emotional experience in the process of defining goals by man
Glazunov Yu.T.
Gradient of purpose and its mathematical model Gradient of purpose and its mathematical model
Machkarina O.D.
Critical philosophy of Kant in St.-Petersburg Theological Academy: Critics and interpretation
Machkarina O.D.
On the problem of subjectivity in the philosophy of F.A. Golubinsky: Critical perception of I. Kant
Kuznetsov Yu.V.
The idea of Godmanhood and its historiosophical sense
Kuznetsov Yu.V.
Historiosophical views of Russian democrats A.I. Herzen and N.G. Chernyshevsky
Gerashchenko L.V.
Personnel training for marine activity in the Arctic development
Kovtseva I.P.
Competitive ability of higher educational institutions as a factor of securing economic safety of Russia
Boroukhin D.S.
Economic ensuring of stable development of power industry system during modernization of economics in Russia
Vechirko A.A.
Influence of electrical customers debts on the region's economy (by the example of the Murmansk region)
Gerashchenko D.A.
Russian cities in Arctic: New problems and ways of decisions
Zhuravlyov A.I.
Problems of economy of electric power consumption on house needs in the Murmansk region
Tepman F.A.
System analyses of potential of Murmansk regional railway complex transport capacity