Vol 4, 2001, 2 No
Social and Economic Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Loskutov V.I.
Principles of the modern economical theory
Reus N.I.
The role and tasks of state regulation of economics
Kavalauskene V.A.
Cardinal modern economical problems and specificity of their solution
Chechurina M.N.
Administrative innovations and economical development of the society
Kachala V.V.
System approach to economic parameters' forecasting
Ryukhov P.S. and Milyakova L.V.
Career and factors defining it
Pivovarova N.B.
Use of Solow production function for two-product firm modelling
Bekrenev L.L. and Igonina V.I.
Regulation of investment processes in the Northern economic region
Vasil'ev A.M. and Kuranov Yu.F.
On estimation of market transformations and integration of fish branch in the European and world fish industry
Yemel'yanova I.N.
Direct foreign investments in the Russian economics
Krupornitskaya I.A.
The organization of self-administration in the USA
Petko O.V.
On problems of foreign investments in Russia
Sokolov I.B.
Development of offshore business in Russia
Shchebarova N.N.
Development of regional and border cooperation as a part of foreign economic relations of Russia
Dolmatova E.V.
Off-budget resources: problems of their deriving and usage by budgetary organizations
Chernov A.S.
Optimization of financial resources of raw refining plants
Shcherbakov S.A.
Historical aspects of development of the innovation process conception
Ivanov I.V.
Management system of fish resources of Norway
Konakova L.V.
On development of marketing service in banks
Krayev A.A.
The modern systems of bar encoding of products
Orlov N.A.
Economical conditions of shelf exploration
Bezuglova M.A.
Analysis and prediction of energy consuming and energy saving problems in the Murmansk region
Emel'yanov A.V.
Kandalaksha as a tourist region. Problems and outlooks of development
Grishin V.A.
Criteria of the regional budget stability estimation
Peredery A.A.
Problems and tendencies of development of town creating plants of the Murmansk region
Signer T.A.
The statistical analysis of migration of the Murmansk region population
Soloukhina T.P.
The problems of educational institutions financing during the reformation of education
Gomonov N.D., Bezrukov A.V. and Krylova T.V.
Problems of criminal responsibility of persons with mental deviations
Bezrukov A.V. and Zhuravlov O.M.
Problems of mass media influence on the potential and real criminals
Bezuglova М.А. and Gomonov N.D.
Involvement of the advocate in court cases concerning economical crimes
Plevako L.V. and Timokhov V.P.
Supervising and control authorities in the Russian state
Timokhov V.P.
Some peculiarities of principles of the Russian Criminal Law